Post by Goblin King on May 30, 2013 13:17:40 GMT
I'm becoming unnecessarily wound up by the lack of BBC signal to my TV. Apparently there's work going on with a local transmitter - but you never can be sure that the current signal strength is what's going to stay or whether or not retuning is required. (After all, the BBC channels are the only ones I actually pay for...)
Post by Goblin King on May 30, 2013 13:21:57 GMT
Post by mehrfarbig on Oct 18, 2013 13:01:24 GMT
Benefit forms. Anything to do with money forms.
Post by Darkness on Oct 19, 2013 11:50:10 GMT
Oh lordy, I'm completely with you on that, Merf.
Post by Goblin King on Dec 17, 2013 19:41:45 GMT
f?cking clueless jaded ward staff. Do your f?cking jobs you braindead apes.
Post by Darkness on Jan 11, 2014 13:39:15 GMT
f?cking 3mobile - took £25 of my money then showed me the credit on my 3account, last night.
Today, the credit on my 3account is not showing, despite me having paid for it.
Of course, they deny all knowledge.
Post by Darkness on Jan 22, 2014 14:33:41 GMT
No news back yet about my 3mobile account (see above). Bastards.
Also, Amazon Logistics have now decided that a normal sized DVD does not fit through a normal sized letterbox. Twats.
Post by mehrfarbig on Jan 23, 2014 13:22:27 GMT
How am I unhygienic as I can't clean pots straight away but a full brimming bin...and unwiped fridge/microwave...and unmopped floor and a festering sink are NOT a problem?
Post by Goblin King on Feb 18, 2014 0:02:05 GMT
Gadgets and technology. I get so frustrated when i can't solve a problem - or the fact that stuff should really JUST WORK. And it's a race against time to convince technophobes to stick to the plan. (at work and in personal life)
Post by mehrfarbig on Feb 18, 2014 16:02:00 GMT
It really bugs me that people think I should be happy being told I have depression as that is curable and once that is cured all my fatigue/pain/symptoms will be gone. Sure! I am pretty sure my depression is considered long term and clinical. I doubt this magic pill will cure me of all my ills!
Post by Goblin King on Feb 19, 2014 0:25:22 GMT
The good news is that you no longer have cancer, the bad news is that we had to take out a lung and cut off both of your legs. It's all curable. People saying these things probably really don't understand the fatigue side of things, but hey, they think, I know something about mental health... The answer might be to say "It must be awful for you, but I hear idiocy is curable too." >:->
Post by mehrfarbig on Apr 1, 2014 12:28:14 GMT
I keep forgetting I am chronically ill and shouldn't do too much as it increases flares and then I do even less!
I am now doing overtime at Easter and need to buy toilet roll even though I went shopping yesterday but didn't take a rolling bag so would have injured myself carrying it.
Post by someone on Apr 2, 2014 21:08:53 GMT
Ducking mothers. Grrrrr.
Post by Goblin King on May 3, 2014 22:18:15 GMT
I keep having arguments in my head with nursing staff, because of the way they treated Darkness and I yesterday. The sad thing is that they probably wouldn't even remember the situation, never mind what the problem was.
Little kingdoms. Each ward is little f?cking petty kingdom.
Post by mehrfarbig on May 3, 2014 23:06:35 GMT
Maybe these people deserve a good kick in the arse.
I threatened to whack some discriminatory twat with my crutch and mum told me off for thinking such things as I could get arrested. LOL I fantasise about running them over with my scooter too...call me a cripple will you...say that when you are flat under Draco's tyres. lol
Post by Goblin King on May 4, 2014 15:39:14 GMT
Running people over with scooters! Oh man, that made my day! Draco. That is a fine name for a vehicle of vengeance.
Post by mehrfarbig on May 4, 2014 23:02:02 GMT
I know. My wheelchair is Severus. I have awesome name choosing skills. lol And we decided my crutch is Albus. lol
Post by someone on May 5, 2014 19:52:05 GMT
Stupid connection issues between Wales and Nigeria... Grrrrrr!!!!!!!
Post by mehrfarbig on May 13, 2014 18:56:45 GMT
Why does none of the equipment I buy come with instructions? The crutch holder just comes with a tonne of bits and no guidance.
Post by Count Ãœberquart on Jun 1, 2014 17:33:27 GMT
My heart rate has been so ridiculously bloody high for the past week or so I'm sitting here and it's upwards of 110. I stood up the other day to turn on the light and it went up past 150. I'm in a whole world of dizzy and visual disturbance. I think my heart thinks it belongs in a cat.
Post by Goblin King on Jun 3, 2014 21:05:54 GMT
(Somewhere there's a cat confused by the calmness it's experiencing) Sounds pretty crap, can't imagine what it's like
Post by Goblin King on Jun 9, 2014 16:54:33 GMT
The loo seat has be ome completely loose again. What is it about this particular loo that loo seats with impossible to reach screws want to rattle themselves free? Why does the DVD player make different noises when player different DVDs? Sometimes horribly loud noises? Need more coffee.
Post by Goblin King on Mar 12, 2015 18:49:10 GMT
Next door is burning meat again. The stench is so invasive, I feel sorry for Lucy, she probably gets her hopes up. Goddamn veggie owners.
Post by mehrfarbig on Mar 12, 2015 19:57:38 GMT
Next door is burning meat again. The stench is so invasive, I feel sorry for Lucy, she probably gets her hopes up. Goddamn veggie owners. Not if she is owt like Penny, Penny won't eat fresh meat or fish of ANY kind anymore.
Post by Darkness on Mar 13, 2015 4:40:56 GMT
When I was little (up to the age of 6), we had a black and white cat called Mitten (cos she looked like she was wearing mittens and socks). She would not eat any cat food of any kind, or any meat. The ONLY thing she would eat was tinned pilchards in tomato sauce. Freaky cat.
Post by Goblin King on Mar 13, 2015 18:16:39 GMT
(Don't tell Darkness, but pilchards are a type of meat. They are often found in tomato sauce ponds.) Mehrfy, for Lucy it either has to have a crunchy coating or lashings of gravy. One wonders how cats survived before they enslaved the hoomans.
Post by Goblin King on Mar 13, 2015 19:16:48 GMT
The meat smells are back, And he's shouting like a drunk. Don't want to use an air freshner because it freaks Lucy out (I think). I just need to fart more.
Post by Darkness on Mar 13, 2015 23:32:01 GMT
Oh God spare us from the arse of the fartmeister!!
Post by Goblin King on Mar 22, 2015 0:41:13 GMT
(Might have to have that printed on a t-shirt)
Post by Darkness on Mar 24, 2015 5:03:19 GMT
Do! It would serve well as a warning to the general public.