Post by Count Überquart on May 18, 2011 16:29:37 GMT
Much , M. I also maybe (probably, my GP's mentioned it, but it's not in the specialist letters etc. etc.) have fibromyalgia. If you want to talk pain management/doctors/any such stuff, you can PM me...Or I can offer the odd link of somewhere else to talk? These boards are quite good. You can't snap out of it... but you can make your life work as successfully as you always wanted. Honest. Just involves some working around it.
Post by mehrfarbig on May 19, 2011 12:55:46 GMT
I hope I can learn to work around it...
I'm not feeling very positive about it!
I just keep being told to not push myself...but but but... I refuse to do a desk job. I've already had to quit even thinking about focusing on two of my dream jobs!!
I'll look at that message board.
Post by mehrfarbig on May 24, 2011 9:49:09 GMT
Modern medicine can go screw itself I shall treat myself!!
I have found two books.
They want me to take amitriptyline but they can jog on if I'm spending my life nauseous and wreathing around on the bed from a chronic migraine.
Post by Darkness on May 24, 2011 13:03:19 GMT
I was on amitriptylene for a while back in my college and university days and found it very helpful. The only side effect I got from it was a slightly dry mouth. Different drugs affect different people in different ways. You won't know if you don't try it. Just my thoughts on it anyway...
Post by Goblin King on May 25, 2011 0:38:32 GMT
(I never take anything I can't spell. No, wait ...)
Post by Count Überquart on May 25, 2011 9:39:41 GMT
I'm on a low dose of amitriptyline and have found it very useful for sleeping through the pain. I know a lot of people on it who adore it. You *might* get side effects, but you're never going to find anything to help if you're not willing to try.
Post by Goblin King on May 26, 2011 21:43:26 GMT
The weather. I pay my council tax. I expect better than this!
Post by mehrfarbig on May 31, 2011 11:07:52 GMT
Stupid benefit office!
Now I'm worried sick they'll deny my application for student support!
I knew I was faking it...supposedly I am not sick according to the benefit office so I am able to work just like everyone else!
Gosh, I've been lying the whole time. Who knew? Not even myself!
I'm more upset about university than anything...my future may be going down the plughole.
Good excuse not to take these pills then I am not sick so therefore DO NOT NEED THEM.
Also, the ridiculous doctor and their lack of knowledge about anything medical statementy...it has took me FOUR MONTHS to convince them to write my university one. So now they won't pay me a PENNY even though I told them the doctor was being an idiot.
I'm not even going to appeal as I can't be bothered.
Post by mehrfarbig on May 31, 2011 11:18:38 GMT
I was on amitriptylene for a while back in my college and university days and found it very helpful. The only side effect I got from it was a slightly dry mouth. Different drugs affect different people in different ways. You won't know if you don't try it. Just my thoughts on it anyway... Sadly, due to the milk in it it makes me ill...supposedly people with lactose issues take something to counteract the lactose but getting that from my stingy GP will be a farse and a half.
I feel like giving up.
PS. I was being dramatic before. lol All this medical stuff is giving me a nervy B and I was just annoyed as they won't send me for pain therapy. .
Post by Count Überquart on May 31, 2011 19:07:57 GMT
I'm sorry the benefits people are being so useless. Appeal or not appeal? Appeal. Unless you can really afford not to. Can you? In a sense of unitedness and beating the benefits people we need people to appeal and win (as so many do "win" on appeal) - how many times do they come out and say that people must have been lying because they didn't even come back and say they weren't. (Never mind that part of being long-term sick/disabled is being to ill TO DO ALL THIS SHITE.) PCTs are so stingy with pain management. Not good. I'm sure you *can* get lactose free amitriptyline... Ask a pharmacist? Might be another thing you have to request from the stingy GP though...
Post by Darkness on May 31, 2011 19:53:12 GMT
The amitriptylene pills I was on were definitely lactose free.
Post by mehrfarbig on Jun 3, 2011 15:45:40 GMT
Was it?? Gosh, maybe there is more than one and they've gave me the cheaper one! I may ask the pharmacist first, get the name of it and then go to the GP as they seem clueless to ingredients and one once swore to me that something didn't contain fake sugar and it did. lol
Last time I took pills I didn't realise lactose affected me so I never really thought about it.
I do want to appeal as I feel the Government needs to realise that a lot of conditions/illnesses aren't "obvious"! I think it is worse if you have good days, I swear the expect you to be constantly and never ending sick.
Someone I saw on yahoo got told because she was learning to do certain activities to accomodate her illness she would therefore not be ellegible for benefits!
Post by Count Überquart on Jun 3, 2011 19:08:21 GMT
Just blah at all of it. I've heard and read so many stories. It's so bloody stupid. The questions are things like "how far can you walk without disscomfort?" and the answer is NO METRES... But because I'm not staggering about whingeing and making a fuss (BECAUSE CHRONIC PAIN PRESENTS VERY DIFFERENTLY TO ACUTE PAIN) it's not actually there. There are two brands of amitrip that I frequently get - it's something pharmacies run out of so I think they often end up getting it from whichever supplier they can. I've known people who get sick from the TEVAmed ones but not the other ones (damnnn... the bad ones are bright and almost turquoise, the good ones are more powdery blue... I'll find a brand name for you if you like, they're the ones I have right now). The bad ones are coated - which is usually lactose - the good ones aren't (so taste a bit yucky but it's alright if you swallow them quickly ) Just a guess but it might be worth trying them if the darker ones are what you've got. I made that a lot longer than it need be.
Post by mehrfarbig on Jun 5, 2011 20:09:14 GMT
I know. Heavens. People generally don't know I'm in pain as I find moaning and groaning about it makes it worse as then I'm thinking about it too much and focusing on it!
I can't lie though, probably my downfall, I was honest. lol
I think mine are powdery blue.
Post by Darkness on Jun 21, 2011 11:43:43 GMT
F*cking security upgrade on HSBC online. They won't let me access my account online until they've sent me a new security key thing, but they haven't yet sent it to me, and I can't access my accounts. B*stards.
Post by Darkness on Jun 23, 2011 10:23:39 GMT
Now the b*stards have sent me my secure key thing, but it's sh*t and only works occasionally. RAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!
Post by mehrfarbig on Jun 24, 2011 12:17:13 GMT
I hope it is working better soon...or change banks. I quite like Lloyds bank...but I might only like it because it has a cute horse as its logo.
Post by Darkness on Jun 24, 2011 16:22:53 GMT
I've been with HSBC since I had my first savings account when I was about 7, although back in those days it was called the Midland Bank. I had my student account with them as they were offering £40 to open a student account. Then when I left university I converted the student account to a current account. I also have my mortgage and life insurance with them as they gave me really good deals. This stupid security key thing is the first problem I've ever had with them.
Post by Tinkerbell on Jun 24, 2011 18:11:52 GMT
I severely dislike HSBC I had only ever had an account with them till I graduated and they wanted to charge me for converting my account, no thank you, goodbye! Hope you get it sorted out.
Post by Count Überquart on Oct 26, 2011 9:52:39 GMT
Doctor's receptionists. f?cking hell.
Post by Goblin King on Oct 29, 2011 1:52:44 GMT
I have to back you up there. There was a time not many years ago that doctor's receptionists could reduce me to a foetal position. Insane gatekeepers.
Post by mehrfarbig on Nov 27, 2011 15:19:01 GMT
Doctor's receptionists! Ugh...I agree. +2 or whatever the yoof say today.
Post by Darkness on Nov 28, 2011 11:48:42 GMT
Brochure arrives in post. Same day, I order a beautiful embroidered red tunic top from it. Couple of days later I get email - "Sorry, item you ordered is out of stock, we have cancelled your order". Pfft. Just been looking online for a similar one, but can't find anything I like. Pissed off.
Post by mehrfarbig on Nov 28, 2011 16:00:00 GMT
Ugh why are shops so useless?!
Lloyds are like "Your signature doesn't match our records". FFS, I need my statement to prove where I live for the GP practice.
Post by Goblin King on Jan 8, 2012 7:51:10 GMT
I can't sleep. This (junk sort and) move is driving me a little potty. *cross eyes mental face* DAT500 is being fantastically cool help. I've been reading a few posts on forums about house moves and it's all about numbering boxes, booking removal men, exploring your new area and joining gyms. My move is like a really slow and dirty burglary. The new flat is great (but I'm still staying at Drkns's mainly atm), although tonight I'm obsessed with a mould problem which I'm pretty sure made me cough a lot the other night - but I'm trying not to obsess. That wall just needs a good clean and a chemical spray (I just hope there's not loads of hidden mould or something ...) Emailed the landlord already about a leak in the bathroom sink (not met the landlord - although I've paid him two big DD-payments so far). The cross-over bills are all a bit of a mess. And I'm occasionally getting worried about a Tax form (I'm about to "activate my online code now) I read a positive thing just now about writing down the negatives of the old place and the positives of the new. Definite no-brainer. BT have set up the phone and broadband. Even with the small number of hours I work, finding time and energy is a big deal atm Lots and lots of books have gone to charity. Never hoard things under the misapprehension that you'll sell it later on ebay! The council is being very strict about nothing being left in the old flat. "Bulky Items removal" by council occurs on Monday ( but the council are very selective about what they'll take). Shame about the big chair not fitting through the door of the new place. Having trouble finding a cheap local source of fold-up director chairs. At least I got the cooker officially disconnected. (Huzzah!) Mustn't lose the corgi certificate. Onwards and upwards!
Post by Goblin King on Jan 9, 2012 8:10:11 GMT
And toothache! rant blah rant moan *rubs sensodyne into gums with gusto*)
Post by mehrfarbig on Jan 9, 2012 8:25:49 GMT
All sounds very grown-up! lol
Two words:
Student. Finance.
Post by Darkness on Mar 9, 2012 12:46:50 GMT
f?cking junk mail!!! If I wanted to buy your shit I'd seek it out for myself, just stop cramming my letterbox with such rubbish!!
Post by Goblin King on Apr 1, 2012 15:11:56 GMT
Steam keeps trying to download the Aliens Vs Predator game online, when I have two DVD disks with the frickin game on. With BT's Gb-download limits and the chance that it won't work at all because of the graphics cards, I'm suddenly not feeling to positive about bargain games purchases. Apparently I'm not alone, a few folk have ranted about this game, but the responses are always pretty poor as if the poster is just one of the "unlucky few" or something like that. Blah
Post by Goblin King on Apr 1, 2012 18:56:16 GMT
I fix it. Now I kill fings.