Post by Goblin King on Apr 9, 2005 20:37:54 GMT
"Come to Cardiff! - as recommended by Time Lords and Fairies" ;D
Curious newbie
Posts: 44
Post by undone on Apr 9, 2005 20:52:49 GMT
well i would back u up but unfortunately i missed it.......... but yeah if u say it is that's good enought for me.... hehe like i'm cultured enough to have been inside the new theatre
Post by hoggle on Apr 9, 2005 21:07:19 GMT
Cardiff is cool for shopping! Cardiff is THE BEST for shopping.... much better than that Bristol place....
Post by Goblin King on Apr 9, 2005 21:20:19 GMT
Ouchy Cardiff vs Bristol - now there's a toughy ... lol ;D ;D
Post by Tinkerbell on Apr 9, 2005 21:21:30 GMT
Birmingham is getting pretty goo now, but nothing beats London ;D Sorry to go off topic gk
Post by Goblin King on Apr 9, 2005 21:40:12 GMT
Sex, Death, Shopping - it all gets mentioned in a thread at some point. lol ;D
Post by Goblin King on Jun 5, 2005 17:51:31 GMT
It was good to see Cardiff nearly destroyed again this week!
Post by hoggle on Jun 5, 2005 19:21:10 GMT
if only they had succeeded in destroying cardiff.... they'd have destroyed a lot of bad memories.... meh....
was good and bad to watch.... and i cant belive she managed to run that fast cause its not flat.... and all bumpy....
Post by Goblin King on Jun 6, 2005 12:56:22 GMT
;D But she's Rose Walker! ... with a Bronze in Gymnastics! Or something like that. Yup that was silly CGI. I'm finding the whole series silly, a little flawed, wonderfully dramatic and most intriguing. Camp, but in a different way to "camp" it was before - strange that ... unmacho, almost geeky, okay very geeky, tongue-in-cheek, and then terribly self-serious (but only breifly so that it becomes superficial?). blah - oh god I'm analysing Dr Who (again!) ;D
Post by tiggbaker4 on Jun 6, 2005 13:55:40 GMT
all this analysing you're doing you're turning into my shrink though better looking she's grey haired and got a tooth missing in the front and should pocess a couldren, black cat and broomstick lol
Post by Goblin King on Jun 6, 2005 18:21:29 GMT
^^ I like to imagine shrinks as being a cross between voodoo-priests and head-hunting head-shrinkers - they might as well be sometimes ;D How do you know that I'm not your shrink?
Post by Goblin King on Jun 14, 2005 16:52:48 GMT
Okay, ignoring the fact that I obviously dont have the latest version of RealPlayer installed, why are the BBC showing a different trailer on TV and on the web every day this week. I mean, its milking it just a little dont you think? www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/(warning Flash page - starts screaming exterminate at you - can be unnerving if you're listening to music or its quiet ... )
Post by barnyjuno on Nov 13, 2005 0:13:28 GMT
Post by Goblin King on Nov 13, 2005 17:31:21 GMT
Interesting. I think I could get used to that - I reckon it's been made to look primitive/retro to imply that the cybermen have been around for a while. I always hoped for a more random look because it was implied that the cybermen replaced their original fleshy parts over a long period of time. Eventually they become logical and immortal, because there is nothing left of their original form. But then again, logic implies Ford-like production logic - the effeciency of uniformity etc. blah blah Anyone interested in the different appearences of the cybermen absolutely must check out the Dr Who Image Archive at: www.shillpages.com/dw/monsters.htm
Post by Goblin King on Nov 13, 2005 17:33:06 GMT
(Note: Readers, please don't confuse "Cybermen" with the definitive "Cyberbabe" who is a senior member of this forum ;D )
Post by barnyjuno on Nov 13, 2005 21:28:40 GMT
(Note: Readers, please don't confuse "Cybermen" with the definitive "Cyberbabe" who is a senior member of this forum ;D ) The journo from El Reg reckoned that the new Cyberman was inspired by Metropolis, but I reckon that it looks more the robot from the film Iron Giant. By the way, any idea why it was called Iron Giant rather than Iron Man? Surely Ted Hughes' creation predates Stan Lee's?
Post by Goblin King on Nov 13, 2005 22:43:07 GMT
I want to see it. All the synopsis's I've just read credit Ted Hughes but the plot doesn't seem to resemble the Iron Man at all. I read a copy a year ago - it was ok I guess - I was surprised at the lack of background or explanations - it's a fantasy about an enigma who woops a space dragon's ass at the end of the story. As an adult I was trying to find themes relating to industry or robots but no, it's just a big mystery monster, falls apart, puts itself together, eats cars and upsets farmers ... My guess is that the film may even be more entertaining.
Post by Goblin King on Nov 13, 2005 22:47:00 GMT
Post by Goblin King on Apr 20, 2006 16:20:41 GMT
Tinks and I were just chatting about Dr Who times so I thought I should post this here: When is Doctor Who on TV?
Doctor Who is screened on BBC One on Saturday nights from 15 April 2006. These new episodes are repeated on BBC Three on Sunday evenings (approx 7pm) and Friday evenings (9pm).from www.bbc.co.uk/feedback/I missed the one at christmas. So I've become obsessed as to when they are repeated.
Post by Goblin King on Apr 20, 2006 16:22:20 GMT
(It's a Gay Welsh Conspiracy I tell you!!! )
Post by Goblin King on Apr 20, 2006 16:26:08 GMT
Oh that's just great ... pffft ... (already paid for it with my TV licence! *grumble*)
Post by Tinkerbell on Apr 20, 2006 21:36:34 GMT
It's not really illegal to download tv progs off net
Post by Goblin King on Apr 20, 2006 22:34:46 GMT
Do you think I can watch the whole episode online / download it?
Post by Tinkerbell on Apr 20, 2006 23:02:37 GMT
Yeah but you would have to get it off limewire or something
Post by Goblin King on Apr 20, 2006 23:06:32 GMT
I think I have bit torrent program somewhere.
Post by dratsucalex on Apr 21, 2006 9:57:32 GMT
it'll probably cost you if you have the whole thing
Post by Goblin King on May 6, 2006 19:33:47 GMT
I'm thinking about posting the following "blah" in my Live Journal. Doctor WhoI’m enjoying Doctor Who, but I’m really having to relax … Okay it’s camp, it’s witty and very "po-mo", and perhaps momentarily attempts tragic profundity. Yes, yes, the doctor is so very lonely, and yes, wherever he goes there is death and destruction - it’s getting like The Hulk (come to think of it, even though The A-Team was on the run they never spent much time reflecting on it - they were too busy building tanks about garage rubbish - which is what the BBC props department are appear to be doing. There are still no explanations as to why future tech always looks like 1970s scrap-yard. Just the odd comment about the “ebb and flow of aesthetics” and “alien materials” would be nice, I'd accept that. 51st century? It all still looks so cheap, apart from the inside of the Tardis, … well to a point -there’s a lovely ceramic organic touch to the Tardis - a sort of alien Gaudi chic. Other than that, all devices look like oversized kitchen appliances - and all of the “consoles” are blackened, they look like they are from straight-to-video 80’s post-apocalyptic films. There must be something missing – is it the lighting? The editing? It reminds me of theatre sets for Shakespeare. The future is a stereotyped as clean hotel lobbies or a dark warehouse garage with cables, air-conditioning foil tubes, and dungeon cobwebs. But hey, Dr. Who has always taken pride in itself as living in a complete bubble, never being exposed to the influence of films, or novels (in terms of sci-fi concepts). Anachronisms are still being clumsily explained - I think the audience of a 40 year-old series based on time and space travel don’t always need the exposition. Long pause …"What’s a laser driven robot doing in the 12th Century? Dear Lord! Someone’s messing around with history!" It’s a bit like Miss Marple explaining the difference between natural death and brutal murder. Hmm, come to think of it I think she did a few times … Oh well. English TV eh? Wait a second - it's all filmed in Wales!! Clockwork Restoration Robots? Hee hee. I liked that. "France … *shrug*… it’s another planet" - Making fun of the French works in all genres. Damn those Zombies. Every other episode it’s slow moving group of aliens/robots/zombies … They don’t all have to shuffle! However, there's lots of nice touches … but still it lacks something … I reckon this is a good sign, because I’m still watching and perhaps for the right reasons. I’ll give you my verdict in after a couple more series.
Post by Count Überquart on May 6, 2006 19:48:26 GMT
*Stopped reading half way through*
But you might want to know, you're missing a bracket in the first paragraph.
Post by Goblin King on May 6, 2006 19:56:26 GMT
(MTV generation! ) Thanks - I use brackets and hyphens too much and must having started editing and forgot.
Post by Count Überquart on May 6, 2006 20:02:08 GMT
I've managed to take an interest in grammar since starting to read Eats, Shoots and Leaves (or is it Eats Shoots and Leaves?).