Post by Goblin King on May 28, 2008 13:44:38 GMT
Dirty, I think - no wait. I think don't mind if I smell, but it's an executable offence for others to smell.
I prefer dirt to smell (although my farts are masterful creations)
Students who study ... Engineering or P.E.?
Post by Darkness on May 28, 2008 15:03:10 GMT
Engineering. It's quite sweet how geeky some of them are. Bless 'em. Whereas PE students are largely up-themselves jocks who think they are superior to every other department/faculty. (They are in this town, anyway).
Miffy bunny or Peter Rabbit?
Post by Goblin King on May 29, 2008 18:18:04 GMT
*points* Darkness fancies Engineering students! Peter Rabbit - more scary cos he looks like a real rabbit. On TV: Snooker or cricket?
Post by Darkness on May 29, 2008 19:52:59 GMT
Oh my God, I feel like I might fall asleep with boredom at even the thought of either of these. I think I'd have to choose snooker. Cos it's marginally less brain achingly dull. And I don't understand the scoring system in cricket. I've had Andy explain it to me several times, over the years, but I still don't get it. Round tea bags or the weird pointy pyramid shaped ones?
Post by lollipop on May 29, 2008 20:10:41 GMT
Weird pointy ones. Who on earth is Miffy bunny?
Green tea or herbal tea?
Post by Darkness on May 29, 2008 21:11:23 GMT
Herbal tea. Green tea is rank. (Also, check out www.miffyshop.co.uk for much cute bunny-related merchandise.) Lions or tigers?
Post by lollipop on May 29, 2008 22:40:10 GMT
Oh, that bunny. I didn't know it had a name. I've seen it before. Looks quite Hello Kitty. Tigers, I guess, since it's my birth year China or Japan?
Post by Darkness on May 30, 2008 0:31:28 GMT
Japan. Less chance of being tortured for free thought...?
Languages - French or German?
Post by Goblin King on May 30, 2008 0:42:06 GMT
When in doubt, choose Kraut. ;D
London buses or Underground?
Post by lollipop on May 30, 2008 2:06:49 GMT
Underground. I love the tube. And buses scare me.
Hiding behind a tree or hiding in the bushes?
Post by Darkness on May 30, 2008 11:01:46 GMT
Hiding in bushes - more coverage.
Living in a flat or in a house?
Post by Darkness on Aug 20, 2008 20:47:10 GMT
House. Less chance of having to come face to face regularly with cruddy neighbours.
Gin - Gordon's or Bombay Sapphire?
Post by Goblin King on Aug 25, 2008 18:08:46 GMT
Bombay Sapphire - prettier bottle.
Old Kylie or new Kylie?
Post by Darkness on Aug 25, 2008 20:52:58 GMT
Old Kylie - but not REALLY old Kylie - more sort of middle Kylie - but not the very recent stuff. For she has become a whore. ;D
Bowie: Thin White Duke or Ziggy Stardust?
Post by Goblin King on Aug 25, 2008 21:15:02 GMT
Ziggy - because he made colour TV really exciting.
Bright yellow or orange?
Post by Darkness on Aug 25, 2008 22:06:52 GMT
Bright yellow. Orange is just offensive and makes me feel a bit sick.
Tea in a mug or in a posh cup and saucer?
Post by Goblin King on Aug 25, 2008 22:49:10 GMT
Mug. Real men drink from MUGs.
Cottage chince or Edwardian drawing room?
Post by Darkness on Aug 25, 2008 23:31:07 GMT
Cottage chintz - more relaxing than Edwardian drawing room - the grandeur would be nice but sounds a bit formal.
Facebook or Myspace?
Post by Goblin King on Aug 26, 2008 1:02:02 GMT
Oh god ...
Hmm. Sometimes Myspace has slightly more actual text/blog "content" but right at this moment I'll have to make the populist choice and settle for BookFace.
Tetris or Space Invaders?
Post by Darkness on Aug 26, 2008 1:37:27 GMT
Tetris - I prefer that to being under attack!
Zombies or vampires?
Post by Goblin King on Aug 26, 2008 1:44:13 GMT
Tetris has a sort of build to destroy sort of logic. Vampires have so much more class! X-Factor or Pop Idol?
Post by Darkness on Aug 26, 2008 1:46:00 GMT
X Factor - I really don't understand quite why I have semi-soft spot for Simon Cowell. Mrs Robinson (the song) - Simon & Garfunkel version or Lemonheads version?
Post by Goblin King on Aug 26, 2008 1:49:38 GMT
I'm in denial that there are other versions.
Si & Gar
Real monkeys or sock monkeys?
Post by Darkness on Aug 26, 2008 1:58:54 GMT
Sock monkeys - less clearing up of poo involved. ;D
Othello or Chess?
Post by Goblin King on Aug 26, 2008 2:07:19 GMT
Currently ... Othello
Caves or Forest?
Post by Darkness on Aug 26, 2008 2:10:09 GMT
Hhmm, forests look nicer, but caves could be cosier and feel safer...
I think caves, cos I always feel like I'm being watched in a forest/wood.
Strings or woodwind?
Post by Goblin King on Aug 26, 2008 2:12:04 GMT
Strings, I think
Being cold at night or too hot?
Post by Darkness on Aug 26, 2008 2:13:31 GMT
Cold, definitely. Always easier to put more clothes on than to take flesh off. 60s music or 70s music?
Post by Goblin King on Aug 26, 2008 2:16:52 GMT
70s music I think - hmm, not sure. Tonight 70s.
Teabags with strings or without?
Post by Darkness on Aug 26, 2008 2:19:25 GMT
Without. Cos they need to be squashed against the side of the mug to get the proper flavour, but the ones with strings just get tangled up around the teaspoon.
Pangs of hunger, or feeling far too uncomfortably full?