Post by Goblin King on Feb 20, 2006 11:54:45 GMT
Managed to totally screw my machine up a again. No hard drive failure - just deleted some essential user/system files. Reinstalling ... *yawn* ... kill me! A lot of stuff is recoverable but I think I may have lost all my emails and settings again. *sigh* - so if it goes quiet from it's because I'm alone in my flat rocking backwards and forwards muttering with wires in my teeth. My own fault - deleted the wrong files ... Should really know better. XP - stable? my ass! hate computers!
Post by Goblin King on Feb 20, 2006 11:56:54 GMT
Hey I'm online though.
Post by Goblin King on Feb 20, 2006 13:22:07 GMT
One word:
Now I've got weird duplicated folders and things. I guess it work be a good time to format and start again? Or just not touch it whilst it still works? Damnit I really need to know just a little more about all this stuff.
Post by Goblin King on Feb 20, 2006 13:22:44 GMT
Hey the games work - save files are fine. ;D
Post by Goblin King on Feb 20, 2006 16:17:09 GMT
Ooh I'm getting better at this ... Amazing what you learn when you're consistantly a klutz. ;D
Post by ۞ Starlight ۞ on Feb 20, 2006 17:21:07 GMT
lol....you enjoy talking to yourself dont you?
Hope everything with the Computer turns out ok!
x x x
Post by Goblin King on Feb 20, 2006 18:35:03 GMT
Ha, ha, I prefer to call it"running commentary" because I know you all love to be kept updated with random the meanderings of my addled mind. Why do you think I made this forum in the first place ;D
Post by ۞ Starlight ۞ on Feb 20, 2006 19:16:57 GMT
lol...in actual fact..it is quite amusing to follow it all!
Post by Goblin King on Feb 20, 2006 20:20:57 GMT
;D hmpf!
Okay, I can now say that although it is very easy to muck up a computer, it is almost impossible to erase / reformat a hard-drive from within my version of Windows XP (including the start-up mode). I think I'll just leave it as it is for now and have a real go at it one weekend when I'm fully alert.
Post by Goblin King on Feb 20, 2006 23:35:02 GMT
Mwhahahaa! I can create and destroy with impunity! Take that, partitioned drive, take that, and that! Lovely clean, virgin hard drive, I will look forward to polluting you again ....
Post by xwitchymagicx on Feb 21, 2006 2:33:07 GMT
lol I deleted important files on my computer once. Surprised it didn't blow up knowing the luck i have lol
Post by ۞ Starlight ۞ on Feb 21, 2006 6:49:46 GMT
god...i wish i knew what the hell you mutter on about...you talk in...well...computer language and I dont understand a single bit of it!
Post by Goblin King on Feb 21, 2006 14:09:20 GMT
Ha ha, well, my language is all a bit made up - real IT guys just shake their head when I interface with them. It would be ok if the computers just blew up (touch wood). Most of the problem is believing you can fix them, when it's probably not worth the bother. Now I have to fiddle with the language settings - the keyboard thinks an [ " ] is a [ @ ] and vicer-versa, amongst other silliness.
Post by Count Überquart on Feb 21, 2006 16:37:43 GMT
My keyboard at my daddy's house still does that, and I dont know how to fix it...
Post by Tinkerbell on Feb 21, 2006 16:41:31 GMT
When my laptop broke the capslock key opened the net heh
Post by Count Überquart on Feb 21, 2006 16:53:07 GMT
Heh... That's cool...
Post by ۞ Starlight ۞ on Feb 21, 2006 19:15:23 GMT
Yay! I thought my computer was just weird!! apparently its the american way of doing things....but i dunno
Post by DAT500 on Feb 22, 2006 0:01:18 GMT
Yay! I thought my computer was just weird!! apparently its the american way of doing things....but i dunno Yeah, my keyboard is US and has the @ key above the 2 and the " above the ' - don't even get me started on where the pound key is.
Post by DAT500 on Feb 22, 2006 0:02:21 GMT
Ha ha, well, my language is all a bit made up - real IT guys just shake their head when I interface with them. I only believe in safe IT when I interface with you, this is why I always wear rubber gloves.
Post by ۞ Starlight ۞ on Feb 22, 2006 6:53:09 GMT
Oh....where is the pound key? Ive been searching for it for MONTHS now!!! I just decided to write the word 'pound' after everything but it gets annoying!
Post by Count Überquart on Feb 22, 2006 15:48:46 GMT
try alt + 156 (on the number pad thingy on the right, need num lock on)
That's how I do it, anyhow.
Post by ۞ Starlight ۞ on Feb 22, 2006 17:32:14 GMT
£!!!! ahh....thank you so much, thats so cool
Post by Goblin King on Feb 22, 2006 18:16:34 GMT
Rubber gloves? Oh. I just thought you were being kinky ... _ UK Keboard / US Keyboard settings in Windows XP can be found in Control Panel / Regional and Language Options ... Click on the "Languages" Tab - under "Text services and input language" click the "Details" button - That will open a box with keyboard language settings - make sure sure "English United Kingdom" is highlighted as opposed to US. I'd go into more detail but I'm beginning to confuse myself. It goes without saying that wherever you see "English (US)" - change to "English (United Kindgom)" - if you can
Post by ♥ Love Stoned ♥ on Feb 22, 2006 18:30:38 GMT
Mwah ha ha.. just changed mine to a different language! That'll ocnfuse everyone!
Post by Goblin King on Feb 22, 2006 18:42:52 GMT
Eek! Be very careful! Cantonese can be hard to get out of ... ;D
Post by ♥ Love Stoned ♥ on Feb 22, 2006 18:48:46 GMT
I've done that on my phone so many times! And now I have a new one, my old one took a trip out a top story window, and I can do it! No one else can, so can keep all my messages. Mwah ha ha. That doesnt make sense
Post by Goblin King on Feb 22, 2006 18:49:52 GMT
Actually it does, in an insane cryptic way.
Post by Tinkerbell on Feb 22, 2006 19:37:54 GMT
I always used to have my phone in french so my friends couldn't change it to arabic.
Post by Count Überquart on Feb 22, 2006 21:32:51 GMT
Slf!! My old Sendo (RIP, my friend ) if you held hash for 5 seconds took you to language settings so that if you messed it up you could get it back to English easily. I loved that phone... And it went into a different font if you set it to Japanese!