Post by Tinkerbell on May 10, 2006 19:54:38 GMT
*bans you from snuggle room for being so rude*
Post by dratsucalex on May 10, 2006 20:53:13 GMT
no dont ban me! sorry o great Tinkerbell. Tinkerbell rules! so...dont ban...
Post by Hobgobearhugger on May 14, 2006 22:18:25 GMT
Post by dratsucalex on May 15, 2006 20:38:00 GMT
draught-soo-alecks --- i like that ;D to you too
Post by Hobgobearhugger on May 15, 2006 22:16:50 GMT
Hugs are fun.
Post by Count Überquart on May 16, 2006 8:53:55 GMT
Hugs are good.... Yay hugs!
Post by Count Überquart on May 16, 2006 9:22:51 GMT
Post by Goblin King on May 16, 2006 12:58:53 GMT
;D There are moments like those when Rimfrost's work reminds me of Lenore.
Post by dratsucalex on May 21, 2006 16:19:00 GMT
who and who?? your brain is too big to be a goblin..
Post by sparky on May 22, 2006 20:55:18 GMT
*curls up crying eyes out*
what the feck have i done to deserve this?
Post by Count Überquart on May 22, 2006 21:34:33 GMT
Post by Goblin King on May 22, 2006 22:25:29 GMT
who and who?? your brain is too big to be a goblin.. Interesting point - because normally my head is too big to be a human... ;D ___________________ *Since Hobgob is not about GK quickly gives everyone a hug* But that's all you're getting, before you think I've developed a personality, or sympathy or something ...
Post by dratsucalex on May 23, 2006 19:41:17 GMT
i cant read.
i thought you said "but before you get that all, its not all sympathy and personality or something"
Post by Count Überquart on May 23, 2006 20:37:52 GMT
*curls up on a big bean bag (It's a snuggle room, you have to have them) and tries to pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist*
Post by Goblin King on May 23, 2006 22:55:44 GMT
Post by Hobgobearhugger on May 24, 2006 13:55:35 GMT
Speshul hugs for Sparky and Clo. *Sits on big pillow and hums out of tune*
Post by dratsucalex on May 24, 2006 18:12:55 GMT
*hides from world in a big box*
Post by Count Überquart on May 25, 2006 21:10:53 GMT
*knocks on box* I don't know where HogGob is.... But would you loike an inferior Chloe-hug?
*wishes Roseanne would email. wonders if it would be nice just to sit in the snuggle room with a laptop and emailing Roseanne all the time. You know, if there wasn't work, and school, and other people, and things to do, and family, and friends, etc...*
Post by dratsucalex on May 26, 2006 15:37:36 GMT
yes please.
*gets out of box and hugs clo*
Post by Count Überquart on May 26, 2006 20:59:00 GMT
*hugs Alex back and wonders if it would have been friendly and nice to have called on him all those times she walked past his house the past week*
I have such a silly impression of this room. It's all pink and gay and stupid and exactly what I would hate, but somehow... perfect, and I love it.
Post by dratsucalex on May 26, 2006 21:09:31 GMT
yes, it would....beeen verry lonely...why i am i typing likee a reetard?
what room?
Post by Count Überquart on May 26, 2006 21:33:11 GMT
Snuggle Room!
Post by Goblin King on May 26, 2006 21:40:44 GMT
I have such a silly impression of this room. It's all pink and gay and stupid and exactly what I would hate, but somehow... perfect, and I love it. Tell me about it ... but then the whole hugs thing aint exactly macho, but that's the point - it's kind of safe here or something. Yup, def gay. ;D That's why Hobgob likes it.
Post by Count Überquart on May 26, 2006 21:43:22 GMT
Me and Anna saw a gay couple tonight. And they asked us where there was a wedding reception. So we told them probably the Rugby Club. And they walked off. Then Anna muttered to me "I think they're gay" and I said "I think so too" and she said "God, I hope I haven't just sent them to a rugby game"
Post by Goblin King on May 26, 2006 21:55:38 GMT
Ha ha. Well, y'know rugby players ... all that body contact ...
Post by dratsucalex on May 27, 2006 8:58:35 GMT
rugby is really painful...
Post by Count Überquart on May 28, 2006 13:26:39 GMT
The Snuggle Room - An Artist's Impression. (Uncoloured) Just a random doodle. The wood floor looked good in my mind but on paper it looks a bit cold. Maybe the walls need more decoration. It might look better in colour. The stuff that looks like straw in the sky is supposedly thin cloud...
Post by Goblin King on May 28, 2006 13:49:57 GMT
Ooh had I realised you'd posted a pic I'd have popped in here straight away. It's very close to what I imagined and what Sparky intended I reckon. I love the big cushions. Nice one, Clo.
Post by Goblin King on May 28, 2006 13:50:44 GMT
(It's looks like a face. )
Post by Count Überquart on May 28, 2006 13:52:04 GMT
Thank you Should I colour it? I don't want to ruin it/make it different to how you see it...