Post by Tinkerbell on May 28, 2006 20:34:16 GMT
its got a river and everything (i think) Nothing special, the vast majority of towns have a river, hence why people settled there!
Post by dratsucalex on May 28, 2006 20:35:55 GMT
lol true and i dont get the whole venice thing, the river is a dump, and it was a swamp years ago! whats great about it??
Post by Tinkerbell on May 28, 2006 20:48:29 GMT
But it's great now, and not as smelly as most people say. But anyway...
Post by Goblin King on May 29, 2006 16:34:01 GMT
Post by Goblin King on Apr 13, 2008 12:24:23 GMT
Okay I know that this thread became chatty (which gooood, all talk is goood) - it's still an Announcements Forum Maintenance thread thing, so I shall continue to use it thus. Thus? Oh dear. Erm... Right, Proboards have upgraded the forum, hence the two colour blending - which I think, with our colours, looks almost gorey. You may finding that old threads are being marked as new. I think that most of these threads date the start of the month. If you pretend to re-read those threads by clicking on them you can fool the forum into taking away the blue "NEW!" tags. I'm really a bit worried about the extra box that has appeared in the "Info Center" at the bottom of the screen. I have a feeling that "Active Users In The Past 24 Hours" may actually scare people from logging in. (Although, it doesn't half make us look popular! ) I'm going to try to turn it off so that no-one can see it -but without removing the Info Center entirely (I'm having trouble finding the right toggle box). Anyone else with a Proboards forum is welcome to throw in some advice here Also the Proboards servers may be being a bit busy at the moment - I reckon this would explain some trouble we've hard trying to access the forum this weekend. I might have a little browse on the Proboards help/tech forums at some point.
Post by lollipop on Apr 13, 2008 18:53:31 GMT
I don't understand. What two tones? Looks the same to me...
Post by Goblin King on Apr 13, 2008 19:57:39 GMT
Fixed it. Two-tone part. You miss all the fun, don't you lollipop. Okay, the advice Proboards Support have about the Info Center makes very little sense ...
Post by lollipop on Apr 14, 2008 19:09:36 GMT
Post by Goblin King on Apr 14, 2008 20:06:50 GMT
__ Okay "Last 24 hours" is apparently bypassed with this code which is smuggled into the main footer - how strange is that? <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- // remove InfoCenter section- Dre
iTitle = "Active Users In The Past 24 Hours";
if(location.href.match(/action=home$/i) || !location.href.match(/(action|board)=/i)){ var td = document.getElementsByTagName('td'); for(i = 0; i < td.length; i ++){ if(td.item(i).className == "catbg" && td.item(i).colSpan == "2" && td.item(i).innerHTML.match(iTitle)){ td.item(i).parentNode.style.display = "none"; td.item(i).parentNode.nextSibling.style.display = "none"; } } } //--> </script>
Post by Goblin King on Oct 26, 2008 12:39:05 GMT
Clocks changeClocks have gone back a hundred years! (no wait, that's just goblin clocks on a leek year.) The forum clocks have been set back to GMT (+0) - I recommend that peeps also adjust the time settings in their Profiles.
Post by Goblin King on Mar 30, 2009 23:38:26 GMT
Clocks Change - forward 1 hour
*re-emerges from forum machinery with a spanner*
Forum clock has now been reset to GMT+1 - Your King advises that you re-adjust your profiles accordingly or tick the "Observing DST" box - also in your Modify Profile screen.
I tried to make clocks strike 13, but my goblin chrono-magic clearly not up to scratch these days - need more jaffa cakes.
Post by Tinkerbell on Mar 31, 2009 11:38:12 GMT
Eeep everytime I change my profile I nearly click delete not modify!
Post by mehrfarbig on Jul 10, 2009 19:04:27 GMT
Eeep everytime I change my profile I nearly click delete not modify! Same haha
Post by Goblin King on Jul 20, 2009 20:35:01 GMT
Oops. I knew I should have paid attention to those warnings from Yahoo-Geocities. We appear to have lost our smilies guide which used to appear at the bottom of the page. I'll get a temporary guide to the special smiley codes up soon.
Post by Darkness on Aug 6, 2009 10:34:25 GMT
Please bring back the smilies guide!
Post by Goblin King on Aug 6, 2009 15:31:26 GMT
We've pretty much lost the original forever. I'll look for that old smilies thread and see if I can put something together soon.
Post by Goblin King on Oct 25, 2009 1:48:51 GMT
Forum clock has been reset to GMT+0 (clocks went back one hour) Please modify own profile settings for correct time when posting (make sure you uncheck the "Observing DST" if its ticked) (see 4 posts back on this thread)
Post by Goblin King on Nov 29, 2009 21:25:48 GMT
Is anyone else having trouble logging in? - I'm turning on guest posting for a bit.
Post by Goblin King on Mar 28, 2010 18:48:19 GMT
Okay, time to sort that clock out again. Everybody: Reset profile time to GMT+1 or tick "Currently Observing DST" I'll now go in and tinker with the forum clock so it tells the right time when we're not logged in.
Post by Goblin King on Mar 28, 2010 18:52:10 GMT
I've turned off the Google search box at the bottom of the page on the forum because it never seems to work for me. Any objections?
Post by Goblin King on Aug 20, 2010 19:08:38 GMT
New button: A "New Topics" button has been added to the forum by proboards, between "home" and "help" in the top banner menu. Much better than the "20 most recent posts" link. At least I thought it was working a few moments ago.
Post by Goblin King on Oct 31, 2010 13:48:31 GMT
Clocks have gone backward. *starts babbling like Doc from Back to the Future*
The forum clock has been reset, but members may need to correct time in their own profile.
*drags large spanner on the ground*
Post by Goblin King on Feb 6, 2011 18:27:08 GMT
Some proboards forums have been losing data recently. I may have to look into backing up the site. Has anyone noticed any posts go missing?
Post by someone on Feb 6, 2011 19:10:24 GMT
havent noticed posts vanishing... but have seen a myriad of different error messages while trying to access the forum recently...
Post by Goblin King on Feb 10, 2011 22:54:54 GMT
Oops I don't think I can back stuff up. One proboards forum I know of lost everything posted since the end of January. Eeps. No worries.
Post by Goblin King on Mar 27, 2011 15:40:46 GMT
Clocks gone forward forum time set to GMT+1 because I can't find a DST setting. (remember to change your profile settings!)
Post by Tinkerbell on Mar 27, 2011 19:39:50 GMT
I still hadn't changed it from the last time
Post by Goblin King on Mar 27, 2011 22:26:45 GMT
*smacks head* d'oh! ;D
Post by Goblin King on May 16, 2011 15:07:11 GMT
Default forum time is set to GMT+1 (because I can't find a summer time setting) All members (of 5 of you ) may need to check your profile settings - set to "GMT-0" and tick the "Observing DST" button-circle thingy. If you're fussy about the exact time, that is.
Post by Goblin King on Sept 2, 2011 12:53:13 GMT
Got this today: Cos we all like change.